REMINDER: The last day of school, Monday 6/10/24, will be an early dismissal day. Thanks for a great year!
9 months ago, Buncombe County Schools
Good Afternoon Eblen Warrios, Due to weather conditions the 6th grade band performance this afternoon will be held in the Erwin Middle School gym instead of the Erwin High School. football field. Please sign in and enter through the Erwin Middle School office. Look forward to seeing you all at the performance.
10 months ago, Margo Hale
REMINDER: Wednesday 5/15 is an early dismissal day.
10 months ago, Buncombe County Schools
Good Morning Eblen Warriors. Bus 524, Ms Robin's bus is running 45 minutes late this morning. The driver was sick and it has a sub driver. Bus 521, Ms Raymelle's bus is also running late also. It has a sub driver as well. That bus is about 30 minutes behind schedule.
10 months ago, Margo Hale
We had an amazing day celebrating the achievements of our Special Olympics athletes! See more photos in the "news" section.
10 months ago, BCS Communications
student in wheelchair throwing tennis balls
student running track with help from other students
student in a tunnel
Student lighting the olympic flame
Bus 524, Ms Robin's bus will not be running today Wednesday, April 24th. The driver is sick and there is not a sub driver available. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
11 months ago, Margo Hale
REMINDER: Tuesday 4/23 is an early dismissal day.
11 months ago, Ken Ulmer - BCS Communications
REMINDER: Friday 3/29/24 is an early dismissal day for students. Have a safe and peaceful Spring Break!
12 months ago, Buncombe County Schools
Safe Science: See what you should know about the 4/8 eclipse at
12 months ago, Ken Ulmer - BCS Communications
Student using safe solar viewers to look into the sky during a partial solar eclipse
Our students had a blast at the Southern Conference Education Days at Harrah's Cherokee Center - Asheville! Students enjoyed a morning of high-energy basketball fun, and found inspiration in talented college athletes, musicians, and performers! Special thanks to the Regional Sports Commission, Harrah's, and the Southern Conference for making these rewarding days possible! Check the BCS Facebook for more photos!
12 months ago, BCS Communications
Students cheering at the SOCON game.
Students cheering at the SOCON game.
Teacher cheering at the SOCON game.
Student cheering at the SOCON.
How much screen time is enough? All BCS families are invited to a special screening of SCREENAGERS, March 28 at 6pm in the NBMS theater. Admission is free.
12 months ago, Buncombe County Schools
Good afternoon Eblen Warriors. Bus 521, Ms. Raymelle's bus will not run in the morning. We do not have a driver. It will run tomorrow afternoon. We are sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
about 1 year ago, Margo Hale
Reminder that our Eblen PTO meeting is tomorrow, February 13th at 5:30 in the media center. All are welcome to attend.
about 1 year ago, A.C. Reynolds Assistant Principal
Eblen's Weekly Warrior Newsletter:
about 1 year ago, A.C. Reynolds Assistant Principal
Eblen Warrior Weekly Newsletter:
about 1 year ago, A.C. Reynolds Assistant Principal
With the closure of school, the PTO meeting tonight will be cancelled. Thank you,
about 1 year ago, Eblen Assistant Principal
Please use the link below to read the 2023 North Carolina School Report Cards. "The NC School Report Cards website contains snapshots of information about our schools, including the school performance grade, students’ academic growth, how prepared our students are when they enter a school, and a number of other measures as well," said NC Superintendent Catherine Truitt. "These resources are readily available for you and allow transparency into aspects like spending as well as school performance. Although this information is important to know, we know it doesn’t tell the complete story. It doesn’t show the hard work our educators pour in each day for their students and schools and it doesn’t show the spirit of the school itself. No data will be able to show the dedication of our educators nor will it show the extracurricular opportunities, the athletic programs, the apprenticeship, or career preparatory classes - all of which have a profound impact on students and growth."
about 1 year ago, BCS Communications
Good afternoon, BCS Staff, Families, and Community: As the school year continues, we are working hard to ensure all of our students have the resources they need- and you can help! Thanks to a partnership with Purposity, we have identified the most urgent student needs and uploaded them to the Purposity website - a program that allows our community to meet these needs with just a few clicks. 🖍Items include everything from new shoes to school supplies. What do you need to do? Simply sign up at, follow our page, and meet a need with just a few clicks today. You can also download the Purposity App for your smartphone.
over 1 year ago, BCS Communications
The Buncombe County Board of Education will meet in regular session on November 2, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Minitorium at 175 Bingham Road, Asheville. **Public Comment will be accepted in person. Members of the public wishing to speak will need to come to Entrance “B”. Doors will open at 4:45 p.m. and speakers must arrive no later than 5:15 p.m. to complete entrance screening procedures and sign in to speak. All speakers will have precisely three minutes to speak and must adhere to guidelines set forth in BCS Policy #2310 – Public Participation, including all reasonable rules established by the Superintendent. **Following monthly Public Comments, the Board will hear public comments specifically related to the required board policies addressing the State’s Parents Bill of Rights statutes. These policies are linked in the meeting agenda. ** Individuals wishing to speak during this time should sign up on the designated sheet before the meeting begins. These comments will adhere to the same public comment guidelines set forth in BCS Policy #2310. Additionally, parents may email comments to be shared with the Board of Education to Given the desire of BCS to provide the most information possible to the public, the public may view the live broadcast via YouTube on the BCS Communications Department YouTube Account at:
over 1 year ago, BCS Communications
Good evening Eblen Warriors, Bus 521 will be picked up this week, September 18-22, by bus 342 in the mornings. The bus will be running 50 minutes to an hour later than your normal pick up time. Example: 6:12 am pick up time would be 7:00 -7:12am pick up time. If you have any questions call the school at 255-5757.
over 1 year ago, Margo Hale