Bylaws of the Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School
The National Junior Beta Club
Article I
The name of the organization shall be the Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School Chapter of The National Junior Beta Club.
Article II
Time and Place of Meetings
The time and place of meetings of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon the approval of, the executive head of Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School.
This chapter of The National Junior Beta Club will meet once each month prior to the dismissal of school.
The place of the meeting of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club shall be in the school cafeteria.
Article III
Affiliation and Coordination
This chapter of The National Junior Beta Club is an integral part of the central organization of The National Beta Club, and shall be governed by the academic and financial policies laid down in The National Constitution of the central organization of The National Beta Club. Its coat-of-arms, motto, colors, creed, and official insignia shall be those of the National organization of The National Beta Club.
Article IV
The purpose of this organization shall be the promotion scholarship, leadership, and good citizenship at Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School.
Article V
The membership of this organization shall be made up from among the sixth grade students with a 3.75 or above overall average in the state-required classes and either an A or a B in all exploratory classes, for two (2) consecutive nine-week grading periods of the Joe. P. Eblen Intermediate School who, because of their worthy character, good mentality, credible achievement, and commendable attitude, have been approved for membership by the executive head of the Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School, provided, of course, that these students meet the requirements as set in the Bylaws of this organization as appended her in below. Fifth graders will be invited to become Jr. Beta Pledges at the end of the first semester if they have achieved the same overall average required by 6th grade Junior Betas.
Article VI
Loss of Membership
A member of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club may be dropped from membership if he/she is absent without justifiable reason from two (2) of the eight (8) scheduled meetings.
A member of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club may be dropped from active membership if his/her scholastic record falls below 3.5 and/or receives a grade lower than an A or B in any subject.
However, no member may be dropped from active membership for scholastic deficiency without being accorded a probationary period of one grading period to raise his/her scholastic record back to or above the minimum required for membership.
Members will be informed in writing if they are on academic probation or if they have been dropped from active membership. Dues will not be refunded.
The executive head of Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School may drop a member from active membership for moral or disciplinary reasons that are deemed to be sufficient: Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) will result in immediate dismissal from this chapter’s organization.
A member of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club may be placed on probation for moral or disciplinary reasons that are deemed to be sufficient to have resulted in three (3) minor classroom referrals or one (1) major referral that did not result in OSS. The member will be dropped from membership if any future office referrals for behavior and/or disciplinary reasons are made during the remainder of the current school year. The student will be notified in writing that they are on disciplinary probation and that their membership is in jeopardy or if they have been dropped from active membership.
A student so dropped from active membership may be reinstated at the middle school level (grades 7 and 8) provided he/she meets the requirements laid down by the Bylaws of that school’s chapter of The National Junior Beta Club.
If a member has been dropped from active membership, a record of this action shall be relayed to The National Office of The National Junior Beta Club immediately. Dues will not be refunded.
Article VII
Service Project
As soon as possible after its activation in the fall semester of the school year, this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club will undertake a program of service which will be of benefit to the Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School and/or community. Project(s) shall be decided upon only after consultation with and approval of the executive head of the school. The member must also complete eight (8) hours of service during the year from his/her own personal ministry. This service ministry CAN NOT be directed to or for family members. The Record of Service shall record the number of hours and type of service performed for the school year. The Record shall be signed by a supervising adult. The Record of Service is due at the end of April of each school year.
Article VIII
Local Dues and Assessments
The local dues of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club shall be $10.00 per year.
Assessments may be made upon the membership to help defray the costs of special undertakings.
Article IX
Amending the Bylaws
The Bylaws of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, provided such proposed amendment is placed before the club, in writing, at a previous meeting.
Article X
A quorum of this organization shall be constituted by a majority of the membership. No action may be taken which is binding upon the membership unless a quorum is present. However, certain matters – such as, a discussion of means of taking in new members, the presentation of a program, etc. – may be carried on at a regular or special meeting without a quorum being present.
Article XI
Standards of Membership
Standards of membership in the Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School chapter of The National Junior Beta Club must conform to the general features as laid down in The National Constitution and in all cases must be approved by the executive head of the school. The class from which members may be drawn shall be the sixth (6th) grade. Pledges for future membership will be drawn upon from members of the fifth (5th) grade class following the first three grading periods of academic achievement in the fifth (5th) grade. The scholastic requirements for membership in this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club shall be 3.75 or above average in the state-required classes, no grade lower than one B, and an A or a B for all exploratory classes.
Article XII
Induction of Members
The induction of new members into the membership of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club shall be one of dignity appropriate to the ideals of the organization. The induction ceremony will take place in the fall of each academic year. A second induction ceremony for new members may be conducted in the spring following the review of the first semester’s grades.
Article XIII
Officers and Duties
The officers of this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Chaplain.
The duties of the President shall be to preside at the meetings, to greet and admit only qualified members to meetings, to represent this organization when necessary, and to administer the policies as laid down in the constitution and its bylaws.
The duties of the Vice President shall be to preside at meetings in the President’s absence, to assist in administering the affairs of this chapter, to serve as liaison between the Executive Board and chapter committees, to escort and introduce guests at meetings, and to assist with monthly altruistic projects.
The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep a record of membership and attendance, and to record, publish, and read minutes of the meetings. The Secretary shall carry on the necessary club correspondence and submit a club report to The National Office of the National Junior Beta Club at end of the school year.
The duties of the Chaplain shall be to prepare a Thought for the Day for every meeting and/or special events, and to prepare an Invocation and Benediction for the Induction Service each fall.
All officers will assist the club sponsors in helping plan, organize, and carry out activities for The National Beta Club Week the first of March. This will include an Appreciation Breakfast for faculty and staff.