Any staff member can reward those students and classes who exhibit exemplary behavior in following the 3 Rs:
Ready, Respect, and Responsibility
Daily: Dojo Points
Students and classes can be given Dojo points by any staff member at any time throughout the day.
The number of Dojo points determines eligibility to attend P.B.I.S. Reward events
Daily: Cafeteria and Exploratory Class Behavior
Classes can earn additional class Dojo points for following school-wide procedures in common areas. Classes can also receive -3 class Dojo points for not following school-wide rules and expectations.
Exploratory teachers will award points for every class, every day.
Class Dojo points will be award to classes based on behavior in the lunch line and in cafeteria.
Classroom teachers should set goals with their homeroom to decide how to
Monthly: Warrior Wall
One student per homeroom teacher will be recognized on a bulletin board every month – Their picture will be taken and narrative about the student will be displayed.
Every 9 weeks: Warrior Card / P.B.I.S. Reward
Students will earn points for attitude, attendance, academics and Dojo points. If students earn enough points during the 9 weeks period, they will earn special P.B.I.S. reward event at the end of the 9 weeks. Students get a fresh start each 9 weeks. Our goal is to encourage students to follow the Warrior Code throughout the entire school year.