Guidelines and Expectations
Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School
Junior Beta Club Guidelines and Expectations for
Established Beta Club Members
Parents and Students,
We are looking forward to an exciting year with the Junior Beta Club. In order to ensure that our meetings and service projects are successful, we have the following guidelines and expectations that should be followed by each Junior Beta Club member (hereinafter referred to as ‘student” or “students”):
Academics: Students must maintain 3.5 (2As and 2Bs) or higher overall average for all state required subjects each grading period. Students cannot make below a B on any subject. Students are also expected to achieve an A or a B for all exploratory classes. If a student falls below these standards for any nine-week grading period, the following action will be taken:
∙ The student will be notified in writing that he/she is placed on academic probation for the next grading period in order for grades to improve.
∙ If a student's grades does not return to acceptable criteria, then the student will be notified in writing that he/she has been dismissed from this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club. Dues will not be refunded.
∙ The National Office of The National Beta Club will be notified of the student’s change in membership.
∙ Students may attempt to rejoin The National Junior Beta Club at the middle school level.
Behavior/Conduct: Students are also expected to have exceptional behavior in school, at all school-related functions, at all Junior Beta Club meetings, during all service projects, and at any other times where students represent our school and/or The National Junior Beta Club. Therefore, if any student demonstrates inappropriate behavior at these times by not following the Warrior Code of Conduct, the following guidelines for disciplinary action will be followed:
∙ Two minor referrals from classroom teachers is the limit which can be received by a student during the school year. On the third minor referral a student will be placed on probation for the remainder of the school year. On the fourth minor referral a student will be dismissed from this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club. Dues will not be refunded.
∙ A major referral will automatically result in probation for the remainder of the school year. A second major referral will result in dismissal from this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club. Dues will not be refunded.
∙ A major referral which resulted in Out-of-School Suspension will automatically result in dismissal from this chapter of The National Junior Beta Club. Dues will not be refunded.
Meetings: Meetings will be held once a month during school. Times may change due to the sponsor's teaching schedule. Students are expected to attend all meetings. If a student misses more than two meetings, that student may be dismissed from Junior Beta Club. Students will receive a Meeting Pass which must be presented in order to attend the meeting.
Officers: All students will be allowed to run for office. Junior Beta Club has four elected positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Chaplain. (Please review the sections entitled “Officers” on this webpage for further information regarding the “responsibilities” for each of these positions as well as information regarding “running for office.”)
For a student to be eligible to run for office, he/she must go through an interview process with the sponsors to ensure that (s)he understands the responsibilities of that particular office. Candidates will deliver a two minute campaign speech at a Beta meeting prior to voting.
5. Service: The National Beta Club is a service organization, and students should strive to serve the community. In this respect, students of the Eblen Junior Beta Club are expected to participate in service projects and activities that have been chosen by the club. These projects will be discussed during our regular club meetings throughout the school year and may include activities during the school day as well as other times depending on the projects chosen.
Individual Community Service: In addition, students should strive to serve their community. As an incentive, students who complete eight (8) service hours outside of club-chosen projects will be rewarded for their service to the community with an invitation to the end of the year Beta Celebration Party.
[Please note: Individual community service hours are services that are provided by the student to the community that are in addition to the service projects that are fulfilled by our club as a whole. Service projects should include any service for which a student does not get paid and is not directly related to functions of the immediate family (i.e., chores at home or any act of service that would otherwise be fulfilled in everyday family situations). Our goal is to help students understand the responsibility of citizenship and belonging to a community and how they can help support that community in a positive way.]
Students must have the Individual Service Record form filled out and signed by a representative(s) from the organization(s) for which the student provided the service. This form must be completed and presented at the April meeting. Again, we look forward to having your child become a part of our Junior Beta Club. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Bonnie Meadows, Sponsor
Note to new members: These guidelines will be very similar at Erwin Middle School.