The students, teachers, principal and assistant principals, counselors, and parents share the responsibility for administering the Eblen Intermediate Discipline Plan and for working together on a daily basis to review and understand Eblen Intermediate’s goals for responsibility and behavior. In order for every student to have the opportunity to reach his or her potential, each student at Eblen Intermediate shall:
attend school faithfully, complete his or her assignments on time, and work to his or her full potential
behave in a manner that does not disrupt classroom learning or the operation of the school
respect the authority of teachers, bus drivers, administration and all other staff
refrain from aggressive or threatening behavior including bullying as it will NOT be tolerated
refrain from having in their possession or the use of any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.
to help students develop self-respect
to help students develop respect for others and their property
to help students see the need for self-discipline
to guide students toward choices which lead to improved behavior
to create a safe and welcoming learning environment
Students: Throughout the year you will be expected to assume the following responsibilities:
Be present and on time for school and classes each day.
Treat all school personnel and fellow students with dignity and respect.
Demonstrate respect for the school by taking care of facilities, property, equipment, and the property of others
Be a positive representative of your school at all times.
Comply fully with all policies and procedures.
Students who are placed in administrative time out (ATO), suspended from school, or the school bus may not be permitted to attend school functions, including but not limited to P.B.I.S. events and/or programs, special field trips, and dances.
Teachers: A preventative approach to discipline communicates to students that the focus of the school discipline is to promote success and not to inflict punishment. Infractions where prevention is a must include, but are not limited to, behaviors observed in the classroom such as talking, extraneous noises, inappropriate comments, name calling, not following teacher directions, and breaking classroom rules.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselors: The principal, assistant principal, and counselors have a shared responsibility for contributing to the maintenance of an educational environment conducive to teaching and learning. This orderly learning environment combined with high expectations provides for the total growth, development, and maturation of all students physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
Parents: Administrators, faculty, staff members and parents have a shared responsibility for assisting in the total growth, development and maturation of all students. Parents are expected to be involved in the educational and social experiences of their children. Parents who are informed of school goals and are knowledgeable about school policies and procedures can assist their students in making good decisions. Parents who attend parent/teacher conferences and extra-curricular activities form a partnership with the school and the students. This partnership enhances the quality of a child’s learning experiences.
The parent must assume responsibility for the student’s regular attendance in school. Regular, consistent school attendance is vital to a student’s academic success. Students must attend school regularly and be on time to classes in order to maximize instructional benefits. Parents may call the school to schedule a conference with the student’s teachers during their planning period, before, or after school. Teachers can not answer phone calls during class time. Please leave a message for your child's teacher and they will return your call as soon as possible.
The following minor offenses will typically be handled by a student's team of teachers using the Eblen Intermediate Progressive Discipline Plan:
Being in off-limit areas of being in the halls without a pass
Dress code violations
Having radios, CD players, IPods, phones, or other electronic devices (these items may be confiscated and a parent/guardian can pick it up from the office), chewing gum, candy, or roller skating shoes (Heelys)
Horseplay, pranks on fellow students, running in the halls, or not walking on the right side of the hall
Tardiness (either to school or to class)
Littering on school property, including the cafeteria, buildings, and ground
Throwing food in the cafeteria or any other area where food is allowed
Showing inappropriate affection – examples; kissing or holding hands
Disruptive behavior during school activities
Arguing with other students
Throwing object
Skipping class or leaving class without permission
Major offenses are serious and will result in automatic major referrals. Some offenses may result in immediate suspension from school. Refer to the Eblen Intermediate’s Progressive Discipline Plan for details about each type of offense. Committing one of the following offenses may result in suspension from school and possibly charges filed with the Sheriff’s Department.
Fighting or physically assaulting another student
Noncompliance with directives from principals, teachers, and other personnel
Disorderly conduct/Creating a disturbance
Bullying, hazing, extortion, intimidation, harassment, of fellow students, or threats which cause students to fear
for their safety
Gang activity or gang-related activity
Possession of, distribution of, or possession of drugs/alcohol or any substance represented to be drugs or alcohol
Student disrespect towards anyone in this school related to race
Sexual harassment
Disrespect to school personnel, including obscene of abusive language, threats, gestures, or intimidation
Use of possession of tobacco
Continuous horseplay
Possession, distribution, use of, or threatened use of firearms, weapons, explosives, and incendiary devices, including "look-alike" firearms, explosives and/or incendiary devices.
Destruction or defacing of school property, including intentional damage to school buses
False emergency calls or setting off false fire alarms
Verbal, physical, or sexual assault or battery
Engagement in any inappropriate sexual touching or indecent behavior
Continuous minor offenses