SIT Bylaws
By-Laws for WD Williams Elementary School Leadership Team (SLT)
Purpose Statement: Site-based management (SLT) is a time for shared decision making at the school site with the goal of challenging with high expectations each child to learn, to achieve and to fulfill his/her potential. The primary goal of SLT shall be to support the school's mission.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to challenge students to do their best and be their best. Equitable access to high quality instruction will be provided through a safe, caring, and engaging learning environment that prepares all students to reach their full potential and become responsible citizens in a diverse global society.
Expectations: The following are expected from each representative during an SLT meeting. The representatives have the right at any time to remind each other of the expectations during an SLT meeting.
-Respect each other: Opinions are not the person.
-Honor each other: One person speaks at a time – don’t monopolize air time.
-Attendance is mandatory.
-Stay focused.
-Name free zone (Refrain from using student/faculty names during discussions.)
-Celebrate successes!
Terms: In order to get the SLT representatives on a three-year rotational schedule, the following table shows the years at when designated teams will be electing new representatives.
2015/16- Specialist Rep, K Rep, 5th Rep
2016/17 - 3rd Rep, Assistant Rep, 4th Rep
2017/18 - Title I Rep, Resource Rep, 1st Rep, 2nd Rep
* New representatives will be elected during the first staff meeting in May. Current and incoming representatives will attend the last SLT meeting of the school year, but only the current representative will have voting rights. The elected SLT representatives will serve a 3 year term. Parent representatives will also serve a 3 year term, if willing.
Representatives may serve a maximum of 2 consecutive terms. Any representative serving 2 consecutive terms may be re-elected after a 1 term (3 year) break. ILT’s may not serve as SLT representatives without a signed waiver.
If a team representative cannot fulfill their elected term, a new representative will be elected to complete the term. The team will hold a secret ballot election prior to the next SLT meeting. Ballots will be submitted to the school principal for confirmation.
Operating Procedures:
-According to NC SLT State Law, we have chosen to operate under the constituency consensus process (each team has one vote) using multiple voting techniques.
Multiple Voting Techniques Include:
Thumbs up, sideways, thumbs down
Without objection – “no” vote
Motion and ask for hands to vote
Summarize and ask for “Ayes”
Secret Ballot
75% passes when necessary
Chair declares result of vote
-Executive decision rests with administration, if necessary.
Officers: New officers are elected each year at our end of year SLT May meeting by the incoming and continuing representatives. Each officer will serve a maximum of two consecutive years per office. If an officer is absent an alternate will be determined at the start of the meeting. Officer positions are listed as follows:
Chair: (Certified Personnel) Reviews agenda proposals, meets with principal, prepares agenda, facilitates meetings, signs documents and fulfills other duties as needed.
Vice Chair: (Certified Personnel) Works with and assists chair as needed. Assumes chair’s responsibilities in the event the chair is absent. Prints and posts meeting minutes on designated SLT area of school bulletin board. Fulfills other duties as needed.
Moderator: Monitors input ensuring everyone provides input. Minimizes monopolization of conversation. Fulfills other duties as needed.
Recorder: (Certified Personnel) Records minutes for meetings. Sends out draft minutes for approval two school days after meeting via email to SLT. SLT members will have two additional school days to respond. If minutes are approved as sent, no reply is needed. If changes are needed, REPLY TO ALL. Recorder will email final approved minutes to entire staff within one school day of approval. Approval of minutes will be notated on the next meeting’s agenda. Confidentiality will be maintained concerning discussions during SLT meetings. Fulfills other duties as needed.
Timekeeper: Keeps meetings moving in a timely manner. Fulfills other duties as needed.
Visual Recorders: Writes out notes for collective viewing. One note taker and one person to relay information. These roles will be chosen as needed.
All members will fulfill other duties as needed.
Visitors: All stakeholders are welcome to attend SLT meetings as observers. An observer will receive a visitor card explaining visitor expectations before meeting starts. Any stakeholder who is part of the agenda is allowed to address their agenda item only.
Agenda Items:
Items to be considered by chairman for agenda must be turned in on the designated agenda form five school days prior to the next SLT meeting date. Principal and chairman will meet to discuss agenda items four school days prior to the next SLT meeting date. The agenda will be sent via email to SLT members three school days prior to the next SLT meeting date.
Minutes will be sent out in draft form for approval two school days after meeting via email to SLT. SLT members will have two additional school days to respond. If minutes are approved as sent, no reply is needed. If changes are needed, REPLY TO ALL. Recorder will email final approved minutes to entire staff within one school day of approval. Approval of minutes will be notated on the next meeting’s agenda. Confidentiality of individual names will be maintained within the context of the minutes concerning discussions during SLT meetings.
These by-laws were approved on July 16, 2008. They can be amended by the SLT as needed, with 75% majority vote. Amended:
May 28, 2009
August 4, 2010
August 2, 2011