Advisory Council
BCSVA offers opportunities for parental involvement by inviting and Including parents on our Advisory Council, PTO Organizational, and School Improvement Team.
The WHY- Why Have a School Advisory Council?
Members of the Board of Education have a sincere commitment to the concept of citizen involvement in Buncombe County Schools. We believe that people want good schools, that they have reasonable ideas about the things the schools should do, and that they are willing to help the schools attain established goals. The purpose of the advisory structure is to provide informed advice to the school authorities.
Advisory board members help ensure program quality by reviewing program outcomes and school data. The Advisory Board is comprised of stakeholders from our school community. Stakeholders bring knowledge in online learning from new and previous experiences. The purpose of the Advisory Council is to review strategic planning, initiatives, and readiness for 21st-century online learning. The group also provides policy development counsel to our school.
The BCSVA Advisory Council serves to review, suggest, and improve our strategic planning process to serve our students and staff. This group meets quarterly to support the growth of our school.
What is a School Advisory Council?
A School Advisory Council is comprised of five to 13 members, with the principal serving in an ex-officio capacity and as the secretary who keeps the minutes. Minutes are submitted to the Superintendent's office and forwarded to Board members. Advisory Councils serve schools in an advisory capacity and act as a liaison between the Board of Education and the citizenry. Councils might discuss and advise on such matters as human relations, school facilities, school activities, community/Board of Education relations, and/or other matters related to the individual schools.
Advice to the Board can be given in the form of minutes maintained at the meetings; by direct communication to Board members; individually or collectively, by correspondence or telephone; or by a written report presented at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Each Advisory Council should elect, at the first meeting, a chairman and vice-chairman.
Meetings should be held at times convenient to all members to the extent possible, with a minimum of four meetings per year required.
Who Serves and for how long?
Advisory Council members must reside in the school attendance in which they serve. Members are appointed for one-year terms.
Advisory Councils to the Board Policy
School Advisory Council Application - Please return to Principal, Gina Toomey
BCSVA is required to have a parent representative from each of our six school districts that comprise ALL of our Buncombe County Schools!
North Buncombe, Erwin, Enka, Owen, TC, & Reynolds
***10/15/24 - Countywide Advisory Council @ BCS Central Services - 6:00PM
***12/4/24 - BCSVA Office/Google Meet Link will be provided to members - 3:00PM
***2/19/25 - BCSVA Office/Google Meet Link will be provided to members - 3:00PM
***4/10/25 - BCSVA Office/Google Meet Link will be provided to members - 3:00PM
BCSVA Advisory Board Members: J. Metcalf, J. Brush, D. Dobbins, A. Meredith and G. Toomey